0 MotoGP Misano 2013 Full Race

MotoGP : Round 13 Grand Prix Misano - San Marino

13th round of the MotoGP World Championship from the Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli, near San Marino.
This one contains local buildup, full MotoGP race followed by podium ceremony and local debrief.
interviews will again only be on the Ten Sport website
Local commentary by Greg Rust and Daryl Beattie, with main commentary by Nick Harris and Gavin Emmett with Dylan Gray in the pitlane.

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1 Share 140+ IDS Twitter 10 October 2013

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Genre: Sports
Publisher: 2K Sports
Developer: Visual Concepts

[ About The Game ]

NBA 2K14 marks the return of the world’s biggest and best NBA video game franchise. Following more than 38 Sports Game of the Year and “Best Of” mentions last year, 2K14 is set to rule the virtual hardwood once again. This year, 2K joins forces with the league’s most dominant force: LeBron James. With a soundtrack hand-picked by the King, refined controls featuring the new Pro Stick™, the return of Crews, new Signature Skills, enhanced defense including blocked dunks, and more, NBA 2K14 will raise the bar yet again.

[ Features ]

Crews – The single-most requested game mode is back! Face off against opposing crews online using your MyPLAYER.
Create your logo and face off in 5v5 battles with other crews featuring leaderboards and stats. true life hot and cold streaks. Now, each game played in the NBA can have an effect on your game King James Soundtrack – Featuring artists and tracks hand-picked by LeBron James, including JAY Z, Eminem, The Black Keys, Daft Punk, and many more
MyTEAM – Back and better than ever, with new player modes, multi and single player tournaments, and much more.

[ Screenshot ]

[ System Requirements ]

- Minimum -
CPU: Pentium 4 2.4 Ghz Single Core processor or equivalent (2.8 Ghz for Vista/Win 7/Win 8)
RAM: 512 MB or more (1 GB for Vista/Win 7/Win 8) Disc Drive: 8x or faster DVD drive Hard Drive: 8 GB or more free space
Video: DirectX 9.0c compatible (see below)
Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible
Input: Keyboard or dual-analog gamepad
Video card with 128 MB or more memory and one of the following chipsets is required: Radeon HD 2400 or greater; NVIDIA 6800 GT or greater; DirectX 9.0c compatible card with Shader Model 3.0 support.

- Recommended -
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo processor or equivalent
RAM: 2 GB Disc Drive: 8x or faster DVD drive Hard Drive: 9 GB or more free space
Video: Shader Model 3.0 support with 512MB Ram (Nvidia(R) GeForce(R) 8800 GT or better)
Sound: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
Input: Dual-analog gamepad

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0 5 Pantai Terunik Di Dunia

1. Pantai Papakolea, Hawaii, AS

Pantai Papakolea (Pantai Pasir Hijau, Pantai Mahama) merupakan pantai yang memiliki pasir berwarna hijau. Pantai unik ini terletak di barat daya gugusan karang Mauna Loa, dekat South Point, Ka’u District Hawaii. Papakolea merupakan satu dari dua pantai di dunia yang memiliki pasir berwarna hijau setelah Galapagos. Warna hijau Papakolea berasal dari kandungan mineral olivine yang berasal dari cekungan tebing.

2. Pantai Plage de Saleccia, Perancis

Pantai Plage de Saleccia terletak di dekat St. Florent, Kepulauan Corsica. Keunikan pantai ini adalah pasirnya yang putih dengan kejernihan airnya. Pemandangan menarik lainnya di Saleccia berkumpulnya hewan ternak seperti sapi ataupun kerbau yang berjemur di bibir pantai. Meskipun terkadang keberadaan hewan-hewan tersebut membuat para pengunjung pantai tidak nyaman, karena bagaimana pun mereka adalah mahluk liar. Tidak mudah untuk mencapai Pantai Saleccia, akses dengan jalan yang terjal sepanjang 12 Km hanya mampu ditempuh dengan berjalan kaki.

3. Pantai Pasir Pink, Bermuda

Bermuda memiliki banyak pantai indah di dunia, mulai dari yang kecil hingga besar. Setiap pantai memiliki keunikan dan keindahan yang berbeda, salah satunya adalah pantai yang memiliki hamparan pasir berwarna pink. warna pasir tersebut ternyata bukan berasal dari proses vulkanis, melainkan dari karbonasi kalsium yang berasal dari cangkang dan tulang-belulang hewan-hewan invertebrata seperti kerang, remis dan binatang bercangkang keras lainnya.

4. Pantai Playa de Gulpiyuri, Spanyol

Sementara pantai unik yang berada di kawasan Llanes, Spanyol, terdapat di bawah permukaan tanah. Pantai Playa de Gulpiyuri terbentuk dari daratan yang amblas, kemudian terisi oleh rembesan air Laut Cantabrian. Meskipun Pantai Playa de Gulpiyuri terlihat kecil, namun memiliki ombak layaknya pantai terbuka. Ombak tersebut tercipta dari beradunya dua arus, yakni arus dari Cantabrian dan Teluk Biscay.

5. Pantai Air Hangat, Selandia Baru

Selandia Baru merupakan salah negara kepulauan yang memiliki pemandangan alam luar biasa, salah satu buktinya adalah Pantai Air Hangat yang terletak di kawasan pesisir timur Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand. Garis pantai berair hangat ini mencapai 12 Km dari bagan tenggara Whitianga, dan sekitar 175 Km dari Auckland melalui perjalanan kendaraan. Air hangat yang terdapat di pantai yang satu ini berasal dari seumber mata air panas yang keluar melalui pasir pantainya. Suhu air Pantai Coromandel mencapai 64°C, sehingga akan terasa cukup panas bagi para pengunjung.

0 5 Gedung Terhijau Di Dunia

1. Bank Amerika, New York

Bangunan megah yang memiliki 54 lantai ini diklaim sebagai gedung terhijau di dunia. Gedung Bank Amerika dirancang untuk memaksimalkan masuknya sinar matahari, sehingga penggunaan lampu yang dapat menghamburkan enerji listrik pun berkurang. Selain itu, enerji listrik untuk memenuhi kebutuhan enerji dipasok oleh teknologi solar cel (listrik tenaga surya). Tidak hanya memanfaatkan sinar matahari, air hujan pun dimanfaatkan untuk keperluan air di gedung tersebut. Pada intinya semua potensi sumber daya yang ada di Kota New York dimanfaatkan untuk kepentingan gedung dan penghuninya baik karyawan maupun masyarakat umum.

2. Pulau Kristal, Moskow

Salah satu kawasan hijau yang dibuat oleh pemerintah Rusia terletak di Pulau Kristal, dengan 30.000 rumah yang dirancang dalam satu bangunan. Bangunan hijau di Pulau Kristal menggunakan potensi angin dan matahari sebagai energi listriknya. Dengan didirikannya gedung hijau di Pulau Kristal pemerintah Rusia berharap iklim di Rusia tetap normal bahkan lebih baik lagi.

3. CH2, Melbourne

Australia merupakan benua yang memiliki kawasan hijau cukup banyak dan luas, dan keberadaan CH2 semakin menguatkan keinginan pemerintah Negeri Kangguru untuk menjaga kelestarian alam. CH2 yang juga dikenal sebagai Gedung Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB), menggunakan enerji daur ulang, turbin aingin, sistem pendingin alami, tenaga surya dan lainnya. Dengan keberadaan CH2 pemerintah Melbourne berharap akan menghemat sumber enerji konvensional (bahan bakar minyak) selama lebih dari 10 tahun. Yang utama dari berdirinya CH2 adalah keinginan dan usaha pemerintah Australia untuk menghijaukan bumi.

4. Cor, Miami

Selain Bank Amerika, Cor pun diklaim sebagai gedung terhijau tidak saja di Amerika Serikat namun di dunia. Enerji matahari, turbin angin, sistem pendingin alami merupakan potensi alam yang digunakan sebagai enerji yang mengalir di Cor. Bukan itu saja desain Gedung Cor dibuat seindah dan sesederhana mungkin sehingga tidak menyerap dan memantul panas di lingkungan sekitarnya.

5. BMW Welt, Munich

Mungkin tidak semua produk BMW sehijau gedung yang dimilikinya di Munich, Jerman. Namun keberadaan BMW Welt memperlihatkan kepedulian mereka terhadap isu pemanasan global. Seperti gedung-gedung yang telah disebutkan di atas, BMW Welt pun menggunakan potensi alam untuk menghijaukan lingkungan sekitar dan dunia.

0 5 Jenis Anjing Terpopuler Di Dunia

Anjing terkenal sebagai hewan peliharaan di rumah dengan banyak peran mulai dari berburu, perlindungan, dan lainnya. Dari sekian jenis anjing, ada beberapa jenis yang populer, seperti yang dikutip dari unikgaul.com

1. Anjing German Shepherd (Herder)

Anjing ini berasal dari Jerman. Dalam Perang Dunia I pada tahun 1914, anjing ras ini melakukan perannya dengan baik seperti menjadi anjing penjaga. Juga, banyak tentara Jerman menggunakan anjing ini sebagai bagian militer ke medan perang dengan berperan sebagai utusan, mata-mata, pelacak, dst. Anjing ini memiliki insting dan saraf yang kuat.

2. Anjing Chihuahua

Negara asal anjing ini adalah Meksiko. Chihuahua adalah ras anjing terkecil di dunia. Karena ukurannya yang kecil, Chihuahua hanya memerlukan sedikit makanan. Untuk Chihuahua dewasa, dia hanya perlu 50 gram per hari makanan anjing kualitas premium. Chihuahua sangat mudah dirawat sekalipun rumah Anda ukurannya kecil seperti tipe 21 atau apartemen sempit.

3. Anjing Shih Tzu

Negara asal anjing ini dari Tibet dan China. Anjing Shih Tzu adalah anjing jenis rumah yang senang dimanjakan dan senang dipelihara. Dia akan menggonggong pada pada orang yang tidak dikenalnya akrab. Walaupun itu anjing rumahan, Shih Tzu juga perlu jalan-jalan keluar rumah. Ada banyak jenis warna anjing ini hitam pekat, merah pekat, merah-putih, abu-abu putih, hitam-putih, dst.

4. Anjing Poodle

Negara asalnya dari Jerman atau Rusia. Anjing ini memiliki sifat setia, suka bermain, dan cerdas. Tipe standarnya lebih berani dibandingkan dua jenis lainnya yang pemalu. Anjing ini juga dapat berenang dan mengambang di air. Di Rusia, anjing ini digunakan sebagai penarik kereta susu. Anjing ini sangat mudah dilatih, sehingga banyak digunakan dalam pertunjukan sirkus di negara-negara Eropa.

5. Anjing Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Negara asalnya dari Wales South West. Anjing ini seolah-olah Princess Elizabeth di antara sesama anjing. Selama beberapa periode, Pembroke Welsh Corgi dilarang dipelihara oleh orang biasa karena dianggap sebagai hewan peliharaan bangsawan kerajaan Inggris.

1 Share 200+ IDS Twitter 23 September 2013

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0 BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) for Android

Untuk pengguna Android mungkin sudah mendengar berita BBM bisa digunakan di Android, akhirnya pada hari ini BBM resmi meluncurkan salah satu fitur unggulan dalam BlackBerry tersebut untuk digunakan di Android. Untuk menggunakan BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) for Android ini anda harus menggunakan OS minimal ICS (4.0) atau lebih tinggi misal JellyBean (4.1)

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0 Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 Update v1.01-RELOADED


Release Date : 2013
Published by : Konami
Developed by : Konami
Genre : Sports

[ About The Game ]

Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 marks a new beginning for Konami’s blockbuster soccer series, with an all-new engine allowing for every aspect of Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 to be totally reworked to produce a game much closer to the excitement and variety of a top-level match. The central theme of fluidity is based on the constant moving of players and switching positions which mirrors the modern approach to football. Producers looked at how the matches ebb and flow, with player individuality key to a team’s success, and well-drilled tactics helping underdogs produce giant-killing feats. In addition to noticeably improved graphics and seamless animation, the thrust of the new engine’s power has been used to redefine the way football is played as a video game. Gone are the limitations imposed by dated animation systems and AI elements, and instead PES 2014 boasts a central core that perfectly mimics the skill and awareness that elevates the world’s greatest players above their peers.

[ Features ]

TrueBall Tech: PES 2014 centers everything thing on the ball: how it moves and how players use it. First touch and sublime control is what set certain players apart from others. The ability to not only read a pass, but to be one step ahead and to know what is needed to gain yards on an encroaching defender. TrueBall Tech allows the player to trap or knock on a pass using the analogue stick with detailed barycentric physics determining the weight shift of the player and the height and speed of the pass, as to how the player’s body will automatically shape to receive it.
Motion Animation Stability System (M.A.S.S.): The physical combat between players is a vital part of a match, and the new M.A.S.S. component simulate the bodily contact between multiple players within tailored animations that segue seamlessly into each other. Rather than a series of pre-set animations that occur under specific circumstances, M.A.S.S. reacts instantly to any situation, with the reaction of a fouled player entirely dependent on the direction and force with which they are tackled. Dependent on factors such as their size and power, players will stumble but instantly recover if clipped, barge others off the ball, and use their stature to block players from possession. Similarly, Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 now has more styles of tackle, as opposed to basic foot in or sliding types.
Heart: Each player in the game now employs mental attributes in addition to playing styles and skills, and can be adversely affected when having a poor game. However, if an individual is not playing well, his team mates can rally round and will work to support him. The cauldron effect of a vibrant stadium will showcase the mood of the fans, with all-new sound effects combining with stunning AI systems to create a palpable match day atmosphere.
PES ID: Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 set a new bar for realism, with its inclusion of the Player ID system. For the first time, players could instantly recognize a player by their faithfully recreated running and play styles. The way a player ran, moved and spread the ball about would be identical to that of their real-life counterpart, and Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 featured 50 players that utilised the system.
Team Play: Via the new game’s innovative Combination Play users can set up a variety of different tactics in key areas of the pitch using three or more players. These players will make very different off-the-ball runs to exploit holes in the defence or midfield, using the flanks, curved runs, or overlapping play to make themselves available. These moves can be pre-set to key areas of the field, allowing users to exploit defensive weaknesses beforehand.
Professional Consultation: The PES Productions team has undergone several years of consultation with both Pro Evolution Soccer and football fans related to key elements of the series are able to implement a wide range of additional improvements.

[ Screenshot ]

[ System Requirements ]

Minimum system requirements

Operating System: Win Xp 32, Vista, Windows 7
Graphic Card: GeForce 510, Radeon HD 5450 512MB
CPU: Pentium D 820 2.8GHz, Athlon LE-1640
HDD: 10 GB
DirectX: 9.0c

Recommended system requirements

Operating System: Win Xp 32, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
Graphic Card: GeForce GT 440, Radeon HD 5550 1024MB
CPU: Core 2 Duo E7400 2.80GHz, Athlon II X2 255
HDD: 10 GB
DirectX: 9.0c

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  • PES 2014 Update v1.01-RELOADED : Download

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1 Pro Evolution Soccer 2014-BlackBox Repack


Release Date : 2013
Published by : Konami
Developed by : Konami
Genre : Sports

[ About The Game ]

Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 marks a new beginning for Konami’s blockbuster soccer series, with an all-new engine allowing for every aspect of Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 to be totally reworked to produce a game much closer to the excitement and variety of a top-level match. The central theme of fluidity is based on the constant moving of players and switching positions which mirrors the modern approach to football. Producers looked at how the matches ebb and flow, with player individuality key to a team’s success, and well-drilled tactics helping underdogs produce giant-killing feats. In addition to noticeably improved graphics and seamless animation, the thrust of the new engine’s power has been used to redefine the way football is played as a video game. Gone are the limitations imposed by dated animation systems and AI elements, and instead PES 2014 boasts a central core that perfectly mimics the skill and awareness that elevates the world’s greatest players above their peers.

[ Features ]

TrueBall Tech: PES 2014 centers everything thing on the ball: how it moves and how players use it. First touch and sublime control is what set certain players apart from others. The ability to not only read a pass, but to be one step ahead and to know what is needed to gain yards on an encroaching defender. TrueBall Tech allows the player to trap or knock on a pass using the analogue stick with detailed barycentric physics determining the weight shift of the player and the height and speed of the pass, as to how the player’s body will automatically shape to receive it.
Motion Animation Stability System (M.A.S.S.): The physical combat between players is a vital part of a match, and the new M.A.S.S. component simulate the bodily contact between multiple players within tailored animations that segue seamlessly into each other. Rather than a series of pre-set animations that occur under specific circumstances, M.A.S.S. reacts instantly to any situation, with the reaction of a fouled player entirely dependent on the direction and force with which they are tackled. Dependent on factors such as their size and power, players will stumble but instantly recover if clipped, barge others off the ball, and use their stature to block players from possession. Similarly, Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 now has more styles of tackle, as opposed to basic foot in or sliding types.
Heart: Each player in the game now employs mental attributes in addition to playing styles and skills, and can be adversely affected when having a poor game. However, if an individual is not playing well, his team mates can rally round and will work to support him. The cauldron effect of a vibrant stadium will showcase the mood of the fans, with all-new sound effects combining with stunning AI systems to create a palpable match day atmosphere.
PES ID: Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 set a new bar for realism, with its inclusion of the Player ID system. For the first time, players could instantly recognize a player by their faithfully recreated running and play styles. The way a player ran, moved and spread the ball about would be identical to that of their real-life counterpart, and Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 featured 50 players that utilised the system.
Team Play: Via the new game’s innovative Combination Play users can set up a variety of different tactics in key areas of the pitch using three or more players. These players will make very different off-the-ball runs to exploit holes in the defence or midfield, using the flanks, curved runs, or overlapping play to make themselves available. These moves can be pre-set to key areas of the field, allowing users to exploit defensive weaknesses beforehand.
Professional Consultation: The PES Productions team has undergone several years of consultation with both Pro Evolution Soccer and football fans related to key elements of the series are able to implement a wide range of additional improvements.

[ Screenshot ]

[ System Requirements ]

Minimum system requirements

Operating System: Win Xp 32, Vista, Windows 7
Graphic Card: GeForce 510, Radeon HD 5450 512MB
CPU: Pentium D 820 2.8GHz, Athlon LE-1640
HDD: 10 GB
DirectX: 9.0c

Recommended system requirements

Operating System: Win Xp 32, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
Graphic Card: GeForce GT 440, Radeon HD 5550 1024MB
CPU: Core 2 Duo E7400 2.80GHz, Athlon II X2 255
HDD: 10 GB
DirectX: 9.0c

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0 Takedown Red Sabre-RELOADED


Release Date : 20 Septembe 2013
Developer : Serellan LLC
Publisher : 505 Games
Genre : Action, Simulation, Strategy

[ About The Game ]

TAKEDOWN is a thinking-person’s shooter. The player that takes things slow, aims carefully, and plans their moves right will overcome the player who runs in with guns blazing. Close-quarters battle brings the fight inside, as you would see SWAT teams or SOF units taking down small numbers of dangerous adversaries. Non-linear environments allow for multiple routes and tactics and add replayability. In recent years, shooters have become homogenized. There used to be a wide range of different games to choose, from run-and-gun action titles to slow-paced tactical shooters focusing on strategy and tactics, but now most shooters follow the same model of big set pieces, regenerating health, linear levels, and “cinematic experiences.” The realistic tactical shooters with in-depth planning have almost entirely disappeared in recent years. This game focuses on realistic weapons modeling, squad based play, in a close-quarters battle setting. To succeed in this game you need to take things slow, study your environment, and execute flawlessly. If you get shot, there are consequences. You won’t be hiding behind a wall waiting for your health to regenerate. If a team member goes down, you will have to assess the situation and reallocate team members if necessary to complete the mission. Don’t expect all of the tools and plans to be forced fed to you – it is up to the player to ensure their team is equipped and ready for the tasks at hand. With features such as realistic bullet penetration, accuracy, and recoil, choosing the proper weapons, ammunition, armor, and gear for the mission is up to you, so choose carefully. Gameplay modes include single player, co-op, and competitive multiplayer. If you are a fan of old school shooters where thinking meant more than running and gunning or perks, or if you are just looking for something different in your shooter games experience, this is the game for you.

[ Features ]

Fight Smart in Deadly, Close Quarters Combat – Players must think and move tactically, stay alert, watch, listen and choose wisely while setting up their squad for the perfect shot. Tackle Engagements That Are Different Every Time – Nonlinear maps allow for multiple tactics and approaches to both attack and defense. Gamers must choose their gear to best execute strategy. Out Think The Enemy – Gamers need to work closely and communicate well with their team to not only attack the enemy but to coordinate to secure multiple objectives.

[ Screenshot ]

[ System Requirements ]

- Minimum -
OS: Windows XP SP3 (32-bit only)
Processor: 2GHz or better CPU
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: A graphics card with Shader Model 3.0 support
DirectX: Version 9.0
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 3 GB available space

- Recommended -
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: Intel Core2Extreme Quad Core Processor – Q6800 – 2.93 GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: nVidia GeForce 8800 (768 MB GDDR3)
DirectX: Version 9.0
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 3 GB available space

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1 Pro Evolution Soccer 2014-RELOADED


Release Date : 2013
Published by : Konami
Developed by : Konami
Genre : Sports

[ About The Game ]

Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 marks a new beginning for Konami’s blockbuster soccer series, with an all-new engine allowing for every aspect of Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 to be totally reworked to produce a game much closer to the excitement and variety of a top-level match. The central theme of fluidity is based on the constant moving of players and switching positions which mirrors the modern approach to football. Producers looked at how the matches ebb and flow, with player individuality key to a team’s success, and well-drilled tactics helping underdogs produce giant-killing feats. In addition to noticeably improved graphics and seamless animation, the thrust of the new engine’s power has been used to redefine the way football is played as a video game. Gone are the limitations imposed by dated animation systems and AI elements, and instead PES 2014 boasts a central core that perfectly mimics the skill and awareness that elevates the world’s greatest players above their peers.

[ Features ]

TrueBall Tech: PES 2014 centers everything thing on the ball: how it moves and how players use it. First touch and sublime control is what set certain players apart from others. The ability to not only read a pass, but to be one step ahead and to know what is needed to gain yards on an encroaching defender. TrueBall Tech allows the player to trap or knock on a pass using the analogue stick with detailed barycentric physics determining the weight shift of the player and the height and speed of the pass, as to how the player’s body will automatically shape to receive it.
Motion Animation Stability System (M.A.S.S.): The physical combat between players is a vital part of a match, and the new M.A.S.S. component simulate the bodily contact between multiple players within tailored animations that segue seamlessly into each other. Rather than a series of pre-set animations that occur under specific circumstances, M.A.S.S. reacts instantly to any situation, with the reaction of a fouled player entirely dependent on the direction and force with which they are tackled. Dependent on factors such as their size and power, players will stumble but instantly recover if clipped, barge others off the ball, and use their stature to block players from possession. Similarly, Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 now has more styles of tackle, as opposed to basic foot in or sliding types.
Heart: Each player in the game now employs mental attributes in addition to playing styles and skills, and can be adversely affected when having a poor game. However, if an individual is not playing well, his team mates can rally round and will work to support him. The cauldron effect of a vibrant stadium will showcase the mood of the fans, with all-new sound effects combining with stunning AI systems to create a palpable match day atmosphere.
PES ID: Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 set a new bar for realism, with its inclusion of the Player ID system. For the first time, players could instantly recognize a player by their faithfully recreated running and play styles. The way a player ran, moved and spread the ball about would be identical to that of their real-life counterpart, and Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 featured 50 players that utilised the system.
Team Play: Via the new game’s innovative Combination Play users can set up a variety of different tactics in key areas of the pitch using three or more players. These players will make very different off-the-ball runs to exploit holes in the defence or midfield, using the flanks, curved runs, or overlapping play to make themselves available. These moves can be pre-set to key areas of the field, allowing users to exploit defensive weaknesses beforehand.
Professional Consultation: The PES Productions team has undergone several years of consultation with both Pro Evolution Soccer and football fans related to key elements of the series are able to implement a wide range of additional improvements.

[ Screenshot ]

[ System Requirements ]

Minimum system requirements

Operating System: Win Xp 32, Vista, Windows 7
Graphic Card: GeForce 510, Radeon HD 5450 512MB
CPU: Pentium D 820 2.8GHz, Athlon LE-1640
HDD: 10 GB
DirectX: 9.0c

Recommended system requirements

Operating System: Win Xp 32, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
Graphic Card: GeForce GT 440, Radeon HD 5550 1024MB
CPU: Core 2 Duo E7400 2.80GHz, Athlon II X2 255
HDD: 10 GB
DirectX: 9.0c

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0 Share 130+ IDS Twitter 12 September 2013

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0 AVG Internet Security 2014 Full Version

AVG Internet Security merupakan software Antivirus buatan AVG Technologies yang saat ini merupakan antivirus paling populer di dunia. Banyaknya pengguna AVG Internet Security tersebut disebabkan karena antivirus ini cukup ringan dan tidak memberatkan PC kamu, serta mempunyai fitur-fitur yang sangat lengkap. AVG Internet Security ini juga dilengkapi dengan Link Scanner dan Online Shield, sehingga kamu dapat browsing internet secara aman dan nyaman.

[ Screenshot ]

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  • AVG Internet Security 2014 - 32 bit : Download
  • AVG Internet Security 2014 - 64 bit : Download
  • Serial Number : HERE

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0 PESEdit.com 2013 Patch 6.0 - Released!

PESEdit.com 2013 Patch 6.0 is the last version of PESEdit.com 2013 Patch. The new PESEdit.com 2013 Patch 6.0 adds 600+ new summer transfers to a total of more than 3000 summer transfers. New kits for more than 20 teams are also added.

[ Screenshot ]


  • Transfers: ALL transfers up to September 3 (600+ new summer transfers since patch version 5.1; in total 3000+ summer transfers)
  • New kits: Ajaccio, Atletico, Barcelona, Bastia, Bayern München, Benfica, Bordeaux, Brescia, CSKA Moscow, Evian, Kiev, Kobenhabn, Kuban Krasnodar, Leverkusen, Lyon, Nacional Madeira, Olhanense, Pacos Ferreira, PAOK, Porto, Real Sociedad, Schalke, Vitoria Setubal


  • Added new 1st division leagues: Bundesliga, Primera Division Argentina, Liga MX.
  • Russian Premier League, Spor Toto Süper Lig, Superleague Greece, Raiffeisen Super League
  • Added new 2nd division leagues: 2. Bundesliga, Liga Adelante, Npower Championship, Serie B, Ligue 2, Brasileirão Série B, Primera B Nacional
  • Added other teams (Arminia Bielefeld, BATE Borisov, BSC Young Boys, Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk, FC Basel, KRC Genk, Metalist Kharkiv, Steaua Bucureşti, Videoton FC, Viktoria Plzen + Indonesia, Malaysia)
  • Correct kits for all Premier League, Liga ZON Sagres + all National & Classic Teams
  • 13-14 summer transfers set
  • Corrected names for fake players in unlicensed National teams and ML unlockable players
  • Faces: ~800 new faces (all fixed by PESEDIT)
  • Includes newest DLC 6.00 & game version 1.04
  • Scoreboard and stadium switch in selector
  • Removed blur
  • Fixed boots + accessories for a lot players (Premier League, Ligue 1, Eredivisie, Serie A, Liga BBVA, Bundesliga and many more)

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